The frame is an intricate combination of sand castings, die castings and extruded sections. Most of the less visible castings were not cleaned up very well, with rough parting lines, and even sprues still attached.
The steering head is a large sand casting and really needs some help. The sprue remnants were driving me crazy (have you picked up on the anal retentive tendancies), so I ground them off. I then used progressively finer sandpapers on the surrounding cast surface, and finished up with some 000 steel wool, and some Mother's aluminum polish.
The results aren't quite "mirror-finish", but pretty good for a rookie, IMHO. I may need to go one grade higher on the sandpaper and do "00" and then "0000" with the steel wool.
Hopefully, I will be able to get away for few hours sometime this week to get the dimensional layout done.
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